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Discussion: Single Measurement or A Large Number of Measurements for Radiance Interferometer


Melin Huang, Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA






Michelson interferometer is an important instrument for satellite radiance observations. It is built based on the principle of Fourier Transform and designed to measure the emission of infrared radiation from atmosphere. However, several types of errors would arise to affect the interferogram and spectrum constructions. One of the errors is from extrinsic sampling effect, which is sampling fluctuation between each digitized point. Currently uniform magnitude of incident atmospheric radiation is assumed, implying symmetric interferogram, yet asymmetric interferogram appears. This talk will discuss a potential solution for solving this issue.


Dr. Melin Huang received her bachelor degree in Atmospheric Sciences at National Taiwan University (NTU). After that, she switched to study physics and received her M.S. degree in Physics at the same school, NTU, and received her Ph.D. in Physics at University of Virginia, USA. After her work in experimental physics for several years, in 2013 she joined Space Sciences and Engineering Center (SSEC) at University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, working on researches related to atmospheric sciences.

上一篇:High index photonics

下一篇:Single Measurement versus A Large Number of Measurements for Satellite Radiance Observations