报告人:Jun Zhou副教授Griffith University
Jun Zhoureceived the B.S. degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, in 1996, the M.S. degree in Computer Science from Concordia University, Canada in 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in Computing Science from the University of Alberta, Canada, in 2006. He joined the School of Information and Communication Technology at Griffith University in June 2012, where he is currently anassociate professor. Prior to his appointment at Griffith University, he had been a research fellow in the Australian National University and a researcher at NICTA Canberra Lab. Dr Zhou was a winner of the Discovery Early Career Research Award from the Australian Research Council in 2012. His research interests are in pattern recognition, computer vision, hyperspectral imaging, and their applications to environmental informatics.