报告题目:Basics of ultrafast spectroscopy and its application topicosecond laser ultrasonics
报 告 人:Prof.Osamu Matsuda, Division of Applied Physics, Faculty of Engineering,Hokkaido University, Japan
Optical pump-probe technique forms a basis of ultrafast spectroscopywhich studies various ultrafast phenomena. In this talk, we see abasic principle of pump-probe technique as well as the modulationspectroscopy using the lock-in detection. These are common opticaltechnique and are also used in picosecond laser ultrasonics in whichGHz-THz acoustic waves are generated in a medium and are detected in atime-resolved manner. The picosecond laser ultrasonics allows one toinvestigate the dimensions of nano structures, the elastic, thermal,and optical properties of nano structures, as well as the ultrafastdynamics of the excited carriers. We also see the basics of dataanalysis based on the acoustic wave generation, propagation and lightscattering.
Osamu Matsuda received M. Sci. (1988) andDr. Sci.(1991) degrees inPhysics both from Faculty ofScience, Osaka University, Japan. He wasa research associate in Osaka University from 1991 to 1998. Then hehas been an associate professor in Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaidouniversity, Japan since 1998 until now. He has been working on theoptical properties of amorphous semiconductors, picosecond laserultrasonics, time-resolved optical imaging of acoustic waves, phononiccrystals, phononics metamaterials, and ultrasonic force microscopes.He has published a series of influential articles in authoritative journals such as Physical Review Lettersand Physical Review B.Osamu Matsuda's research in this field is authoritative and leading.